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Links and Resources 
(these are just a few, have any others you want featured? lmk!) 

Marine Science Job Postings: 

  1. Wise Ocean

  2. SevenSeas Media 

  3. Marine Careers

  4. Conservation Careers ​​

  5. Texas A&M Job Board  

  6. Facebook Groups: 

    1. Marine Science Internships, Jobs, & Opportunities ​

    2. Marine Biology Career Network


Organizations to Follow with Webinars, Opportunities, and Marine Science Lessons: 

  1. Reef Resilience 

  2. The Nature Conservancy

  3. OnlyOne

  4. Sea Legacy  

  5. Coral Restoration Foundation 

  6. National Geographic  

  7. Coral Reef Alliance 

  8. PADI 

  9. The Hydrous 

  10. Email listservs such as Coral-List, Marine Mammals, and Ecological Society of America


Scholarships and Funding: (undergraduate and graduate)​

  1. NOAA Nancy Foster 

  2. NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program 

  3. NOAA Hollings Scholar 

  4. Knauss Fellowship Program 

  5. Research Experience for Undergraduates 

  6. PADI Research Grant 

  7. AAUS: Our World Underwater Scholarship Society 

  8. Women Diver Hall of Fame 


Taking nursery tree out to deploy at a restoration site. Utila, Honduras

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